Burger King's 'Whopper Freakout' Marketing Campaign
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG239
Case Length : 17 Pages
Period : 2007-2009
Pub Date : 2010
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Burger King Corporation
Industry : Fast Food
Countries : US
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Introduction Contd...
Over the years, the fast food giant had launched several unconventional and innovative marketing campaigns that promoted its products and helped Burger King increase its visibility among its target consumers.
The Whopper Freakout campaign featured a viral marketing website,
www.whopperfreakout.com' which consisted of videotaped customer reactions. The campaign, backed by other promotional elements such as TV advertisements, print, and online ads, was designed by CP+B.
According to experts, the Whopper Freakout campaign helped Burger King prove its
hypothesis that it was America's favorite burger since the customers ate the
Whopper more often.
What's more, Burger King also got a wax replica of the Whopper at Madame Tussauds11 in December 2007 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Whopper. Commenting on the success of the Whopper, Russ Klein (Klein), president of global marketing strategy and innovation at Burger King, said, "The Whopper sandwich is a sensation worldwide.
Whether you're 15 or 50, live in Austin or Austria, the Whopper stands for a big, flame-grilled burger made your way. Burger King started the customization phenomenon with the Whopper, and our guests keep coming back because they always get what they want -- a superior burger that delivers on their individual tastes."12
The Whopper Freakout campaign was also well received by branding and advertising experts. In January 2008, Advertising Age13 reported that the campaign had logged 1.5 million views14. It generated a lot of buzz among the target consumers consisting of net savvy youngsters and quickly spread through word-of-mouth marketing15.
Josh Lauer (Lauer), assistant professor of communications at University of New Hampshire, said, "In an ad-saturated environment, word-of-mouth promotion may be more persuasive because it is rooted in the trust and authenticity of real personal relationships.